Neuro- nerve, and genesis- beginning.
Most of us were taught as children that our brain cells were in limited amount, meaning we get what we get, and better be careful with them. And this is true when considering we all are  born with  around 100 billion neurons. We spend the first 8 years of life developing connections and writing our core belief programming. 
Neurogenesis was first discovered in the 60’s  & wasn’t accepted until the mid 90’s when an Italian woman scientist discovered what’s called nerve growth factor ( NGF) Currently known to be  taking place in three areas of the brain known to be associated with memory and learning (the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the sub-venticular zone). 
The adult brain is growing new nerve brain cells in these areas daily, and accounts for how we are able to form new memories, opinions, perceptions and continue to learn and expand our consciousness, learn new languages, overcome addictions, heal trauma, reprogram limited belief systems and become more self-aware. 
So this program and subsequent supplement (Quantum) formula is here to support neurogenesis and make new connections to further your potential and bring your deepest intentions to fruition. 
What supports neurogenesis? 
Healthy Sleep Patterns,
 Diet, Nutrition, 
Daily Meditation, 
Sex ( having a libido is the sign of a healthy person and turns out sec actually supports neurogenesis) 
Avoiding Stress, 
Being around enriching people or environments, Time in Nature. 
Psychoactive Compounds*** (Quantum)
Where to begin? Incorporate the list above into your preferred regiment/microdosing protocol. 
Meaning on a daily basis do all the things that support nuerogensus and avoid those that don’t. 
Restricting Neurogensis—
***Things to avoid***
Stressful Environments/People
Poor sleep habits 
Sedentary Lifestyle 
No time in nature 
Poor diet, no exercise. 
Do the things that support 
Avoid the rest. 
Note: psilocybin is the oldest life form in the planet. 
Ancient and completely perfect all in its own. Requires no preparation to consume, has absolutely zero side effects, only effects, and 
works extremely efficiently  for supporting neurgognesis, healing, and therapy. 
Question: Why do people microdose? 
Either they are in undesirable state and would like to be healthy. Or they are already in a healthy state and would like to be in an even more desirable state (improved cognition, focus, memory, learning, emotional openness, spiritual connection, creativity, patience, antidepressant, anti-anxiety (anxiolytic), treating PTSD, writing new beliefs (reprogramming the mind), curing cravings, balancing energy, healing addiction, professional advantage, social skills, integrating sel-improvement  therapies, preventing dementia , Alzheimer’s and brain fog, while improving amenity and over all health and wellness.
The main purpose can be distilled down to more self awareness. What we do with the new awareness is the question, and is essentially the transformation we ensue. Which is why journaling is highly recommended to document and keep track of all the changes and profound ways you will grow and be able to look back and see how much you are in a noticeably different place cognitively, neuro chemically (emotionally)  and spiritually (When and how it all relates)
Also,  our personal intentions (prayers), for ourselves, this is a powerful way to manifest whatever it is we are working on within ourselves,   leadings to an embodied outcome. So we can be cognizant of the life we would prefer to be living and watch it form right before our eyes, conscious breath by conscious breath.
NEXT: Calibrate your dose. 
How much is too much? And vise versa. 
Rule of thumb. Start small and go slow. 
It’s a lot like adding salt to a dish.. continue to add more until you have reached your desired amount. Remembering you can over due it. 
Eaxh capsule contains a sub-perceptual amount of psilocybin. Remember the point is to get all the benefits without the effects. 
We don’t want the walls to be moving (perceptual) or to find ourselves crying at the beauty of the flowers etc. 
Follow your own individualized variation of these two mainstream microdosing protocols. 
Dr. James Fadimans  Protocol.
1 day on. (Dose day) 
Two days off (Day 2 contrast - Day 3 integration)
Day 4 repeat. New baseline, new you. New intentions. 
Paul Stamets Protocol
1,2,3,4 days in a row. (Dose days) 
Mandatory 3 days off (Flush) 
Ok. So it’s entirely up to you, so based in your own personal experience and intuition find what works best for you. 
Next calibrate your dose. 
1 capsule in the morning. 
1 at night. 
Stacking them breakfast lunch diner
Taking one I let at night. 
2 capsules at the same time. 
Taking them in an with stomach vs with a meal. 
Which works best for you??? 
You get to decide. 
Anymore than 2 Capsules at a time can shift into perceptual effects. 
***Start each day with intention and meditation. 
Meditation will help to remain in a more mindful state throughout the day. 
Setting intention is paramount. This medicine is intelligent and knows exactly what you need. Listening to the whispers from our subconscious is key ingredient to micrososing and allows us to see into ourselves and make the changes we are seeking. 
Construct your ideal day, with lots more creativity it is good to know what your day consists of prior to beginning. This allows for a flow state of creativity and presence, productivity and allowing. 
Incorporate proper diet nutrition and exercise, highly recommending yoga and breath work. 
Unwinding with much needed time in nature. Walks, hikes, sun gazing, being barefoot on the earth etc. 
Please call if you have any questions comments concerns. 
Please keep this information and this program, and all those participating safe and desecrate. 
May all your dreams be fully realized! 
Absolute Love  and infinite blessings! 


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